Deborah Roberts: I'm
Little man, little man
Located on Level 2
Located on Level 2
Located on Level 2
Ellen Bruss Senior Curator Miranda Lash discusses the themes and techniques on view in Deborah Roberts' mural, Little man, little man.
Okay, now you have walked around the exhibition and you may have come now across Little man, little man. That is six works of a little boy who is dancing on the walls. That was an exciting work for me. It's based off a video I saw on TikTok of this little boy just doing this dance and I thought he was so amazing. And then you could hear in the background where this guy was saying, "Go little man, go little man." I saw so much freedom in his smile and his gestures that I wanted to put that into my collages. The idea is that he holds a lot of freedom up there, but what happens when he walks down the street and pulled the hood across his head? Did he now become a threat? Is he now criminalized? He is now not so cute? So the idea is to see him as this child free to do both things, walk down the street with a hoodie on his head and also stand on the wall and dance freely.
Esta es una traducción al español de las palabras de Deborah Roberts. De acuerdo, ahora ya han caminado por toda la exposición y se han encontrado con Hombrecito, hombrecito. Consta de seis obras de un niño que está bailando sobre las paredes. Fue una obra muy emocionante para mi. Está basada en un video que vi en TikTok de un niño haciendo este baile y pensé que realmente era increíble. Y después me di cuenta que en el fondo se podía escuchar a un hombre diciendo “Vamos hombrecito, vamos hombrecito”. Vi tanta libertad en su sonrisa y sus gestos que quise ponerlo en mis collages. La idea es que tiene mucha libertad ahí, pero ¿qué sucede cuando camina por la calle con un gorro sobre su cabeza? ¿Se convierte en una amenaza? ¿Es posible criminalizarlo? ¿Ya no es tan lindo? Así que la idea es ver a este niño con libertad al hacer ambas cosas, caminando por la calle con un gorro sobre su cabeza y al mismo tiempo bailando libremente sobre la pared.