Fem Fest Workshops
10:15–11AM | $5 for Adults | Free for 18 and under | Master health, explore your true nature and empower your soul to express who you are to your complete potential! Learn and practice timeless wisdoms of chi (life force) cultivation with master qigong teacher and medical qigong healer Debra Lin Allen, Founder/Director of Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, Denver, Colorado, to thrive each moment in vitality, flow and joy!
11:30AM–12:30PM | $5 for Adults | Free for 18 and under | This workshop will explore womanism, intersectional feminism, and how it looks when trans people are involved. Participants will explore their privileges and areas of oppression in order to be empowered and empower others.
1–2PM | $5 for Adults | Free for 18 and under | Join Trans Crafs for an afternoon therapeutic art session.
2:30–3:30PM | $5 for Adults | Free for 18 and under | Exploring the convergence of computer history and fiber craft, we invite you to get hands-on with woven code. The modern computer owes its roots to the mechanical loom, and to the invisible labor of (mostly female) craftspeople. Participants will get a glimpse into this hidden history, from the weaving studios of 19th century France to the Apollo mission to the moon.
4–4:45PM | Free for ages 13-18 | Teens are invited to have a conversation with their peers around defining and identifying pleasure and how it affirms their identities. This workshop is for teens only. Adults are encouraged to check our Adult Pleasure workshop at 5pm.
5:00–5:30PM | $5 for Adults | This talk will center on a journey of the discovery of sexual pleasure.
$15 | All day | For everybody | Tarot readings are 15 minutes and will take place on the third floor. Tarot reading tickets are non-refundable.
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