A conversation about conversation–Active listening workshop: A Virtual Event
Worksheets from the workshop:

Learn to practice active listening and better conversation skills with organizational psychology consultant and facilitator Pippi Kessler.
Do you want to improve your listening skills and relate better to people? Join us for an active listening workshop with Pippi Kessler. This workshop will be interactive, so come prepared to actively engage. This workshop expands upon the idea that discourse is essential to civil society—the basis of Including Other in the Self, a participatory work by Laura Shill featured in Citizenship: A Practice of Society.
Participants should be prepared to participate with in this interactive workshop with other attendees in break-out "rooms" on Zoom.
This workshop will be livestreamed via Zoom.
Pippi Kessler is a nationally recognized facilitator, trainer, and coach, creating innovative workshops for nonprofits, universities, schools, and activist groups. She is the cofounder of MovementMatch.org, a project that matches people with progressive activist organizations, the former director of Rowe Young People's Camp for 8-13 year-olds, and received her M.A. in Social-Organizational Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University.