Black Sheep Fridays is a wacky, weekly program series dedicated to fulfilling your sophisticated nonsense needs. Every Friday night a different kind of fun will be had in our rooftop cafe and bar. Tickets are limited and required for entry.
Come out to MCA Denver and have fun with Konnectpop as you learn a K-Pop dance chorus and sample some odd sodas (because why not!). Expect a dance party, so please make sure to wear appropriate attire.
About The Host
Konnectpop is a Colorado-based fan community dedicated to appreciating and sharing Korean and Japanese culture. We work with local performers, businesses and events to provide a safe space for our community.
Are You an MCA Denver Member?
Use promo code MCAMEMBER at checkout for member pricing (and no need to login to your member account, just use the discount code). Membership will be verified at check-in. Not a member yet? Memberships start at just $5/month! Learn more here.