Ironworks /25 Larimer St


Click for map: Ironworks /25 Larimer St / lat 39.7397183643975 lon -105.01566315110162

Call 720-845-5413 extension 26 to hear this dream.

The street is full of old cars, beat up hatchbacks & compacts built decades ago. They are parked haphazardly all over the place, crossed over the lines, wheels popped up onto the sidewalk. Though no cars are driving by, all these poorly parked cars would block all traffic. It is a mess. You must move all the cars into the nearby parking lot. and you must arrange the cars into seven straight lines, each line progressively longer, like a laid-out hand of solitaire. You hop into one car & back it up & scoot it forward,  & park it. You turn that car off & hop into another & start it up & move another car & then another car & another & another & another, until you have all but the final, single car to park in the final single solitaire row. You get into the car & turn the key. Nothing happens. The car won’t start. You hop out & open the hood. A large turtle is sleeping where the car battery should be. You gently remove the sleeping turtle & you go fetch an awake turtle & install the waking turtle into the engine. Are you the best turtle ever? you say to the turtle. The turtle lifts his head & resolutely nods. The turtle has a military bearing. You salute the turtle, then close the hood. When you’re back in the car, you turn the key & the engine revs into life. You move the car into position, completing the full hand of car-solitaire. You step out & admire the precision with which you have parked all the cars, the lovely straight lines. You open the hood of that last car & produce a red bell pepper from your pocket & give the pepper to the turtle who helped you finish your task. Slowly, ever so slowly, the turtle reaches out their neck, opens their mouth wide & bites into the red pepper.

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