Bird Island


Click for map: Bird Island / lat 39.748710170873125 lon -104.95353033188532

Call 720-845-5413 extension 34 to hear this dream.

On the island before you, birds swoop in & out, hundreds of them, with the flapping of wings & splashing of water & honks & squawks & whistles. But among the many birds one catches your attention: a small bird that twinkles & flashes in the sunlight. As this sparkling bird flaps her wings, little chunks of her shatter off her body & fall to the water below. But she keeps flying, circling the island in the bright sunlight, though more & more of her breaks off & falls from her already small body. She is a glass bird, strong but fragile. Then the sun slips behind a dark cloud & immediately the air grows cold. You hear a thud & turn to see that the glass bird has fallen from the air & landed in the dirt. You rush over to the fallen bird & kneel. Without the sunlight to warm her, the glass bird is unable to move, unable to flap her glass wings. Up close, you see that her glass body, so brilliant & sparkling in the light, is pitted with fractures & cracks, but she is still alive. Without the sunlight, she has grown cold & it is harder for her to move. You lift the hem of your shirt up & find a little wooden door has been built into your belly. You open the little wooden door & carefully place the glass bird inside you. In here, where it is warm, the glass bird can rest & stay safe & heal.

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