5595 Joliet St


Click for map: 595 Joliet St / lat 39.79818087540548 lon -104.86143602068057

Call 720-845-5413 extension 38 to hear this dream.

You are walking down the middle of the street, holding hands with a tornado. The tornado is very sweet, is very good at heart, but everywhere the tornado goes, they leave devastation & destruction in their wake, downed trees, smashed cars, buildings ripped asunder, snapped power lines snapped sparking on the pavement. The tornado’s damages don’t affect you right now, but you know that soon they will. You know that one cannot stay this close to a tornado & continue to avoid the tornado’s destruction. You love the tornado deeply. You understand the tornado in a way no one else ever could. You also know this can’t last. And so you are taking the tornado to the wildlife reserve so that they can be free to do their thing out there in the open landscape. Still, as the two of you walk down the street toward the fenced-in fields, you let the tornado keep a hold of your hand, let the tornado grip you tightly with their fierce & uncontrollable winds. And you know you must let go. Soon. Very soon. But just one more minute. Just one more second. Another second. Another. Just one more. 

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