Pecos Community Garden / 3244 Pecos St


Click for map: Pecos Community Garden / 3244 Pecos St / lat 39.76262274667599 lon -105.00634806240443

Call 720-845-5413 extension 23 to hear this dream.

The garden is a computer. Each row of vegetables & flowers & herbs interconnects through the wiring of their roots, set into the motherboard of the soil, the sun & the rain providing the electricity, each component working in tandem to produce more than merely the individual vegetables & fruits, running programs, crunching numbers, analyzing data, processing the ephemeral worlds of abstracted data through soil & cells & life. It is a cloudy day, & as you stand at the garden’s gate a person stops & stares in. You can see that they can see that there is more than mere vegetation happening in this garden, that they can see how the leaves shaking in the slight wind are a complicated system. It’s a computer, you say. The person turns to you, confused. You point out the various components of the garden, how they interconnect, & how they work. Just when you’ve explained it all & they walk away, a woman running past stops & stares into the garden, dumbfounded. It’s a computer, you say, & you explain it all over again to her. And when she departs, a dad pushing a double-stroller with twins stops. It’s a computer, you say. And it keeps going like this, individuals stopping & you explaining it all over & over again beneath the cloudy sky, until finally there are no more people to whom you need to explain. You step into an open spot in the center of the garden & dig a hole in the dirt. You dig deep enough to tap into an underground spring & the hole fills with fresh, clean water. From out of nowhere a big goofy golden retriever runs up & jumps into the water. The dog splashes about, then climbs out. The wet dog turns her head side to side, braces her shoulders a bit, & begins shaking her whole body. Water flings out of her wet fur in a shower of droplets. The droplets of water all hang in the air at the peak of their arcs. The dog shakes & shakes & shakes, spraying more & more drops of water, which all stay in mid-air, surrounding the dog in a halo of millions of tiny drops of water. Then the clouds slide across the sky & the sun bursts out, shining down into the floating cloud of water droplets, each droplet refracting the sunlight into thousands of rainbows that light the garden in vibrating fluctuations of color.

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