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MCA Denver strives to create an accessible environment for all visitors. Our galleries, offices, restrooms, and public spaces are all wheelchair accessible. We have one wheelchair available for our guests. Please contact the museum to reserve one for your visit or for any additional arrangements.

Frequently asked questions

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Do you allow dogs in the museum?

Service animals are always welcome in the museum. We ask that other dogs remain at home.

Can I bring food and/​or drinks?

While we do not allow outside food and beverages in the museum, MCA Café & Baris open every Tuesday – Sunday offering non-alcoholic beverages, a full bar, and small bites featuring exhibition-inspired originals and a rotating seasonal menu. We invite you to enjoy your refreshments in the café or on our rooftop deck. Drinks and food are prohibited in all of the galleries. If you are a member, be sure to let the staff know to get your exclusive discount!

Is the museum wheelchair accessible?

Yes. MCA Denver’s galleries, offices, restrooms, and public spaces are all wheelchair accessible. We have one wheelchair available for our guests. Please contact the museum to reserve one for your visit or for any additional arrangements.

Do you have seating in the galleries?

Benches designed by architect David Adjaye are available on every floor. Folding chairs are also available and any staff person can help with chair requests.

Does the museum have any accommodations for visitors who experience color blindness?

MCA Denver is proud to offer four pairs of EnChroma glasses, specifically for red-green color blindness. Our glasses are hybrid versions of the EnChroma glasses and are made to work for most people regardless of what type of color blindness they experience. About 85% of people who experience color blindness notice a change in what they see. These glasses can be checked out free of charge at the front desk with an ID. Glasses are sanitized after each usage.

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