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Wall Writers

10 de febrero de 2017 — 7 de mayo de 2017

Wall Writers

10 de febrero de 2017 — 7 de mayo de 2017
Curated by Roger Gastman with curatorial assistance by Caleb Neelon

Wall Writers: Graffiti in its Innocence was supported by R. Rock Enterprises and TKTKTK. MCA Denver thanks the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District.

Modern graffiti as we know it began in New York City and Philadelphia in 1967 and quickly spread across the globe. Its influence is felt in music, advertising, fashion, and film. Wall Writers: Graffiti in its Innocence presented an intimate look at the birth of this contemporary art form. This exhibition evolved from the 2016 documentary film and companion book of the same name, produced and directed by Roger Gastman.

Wall Writers retraced the steps of American teenagers nearly fifty years ago, delving into this history via first-person accounts, published documentation, paintings, archival photographs, and ephemeral material. Offering insight into the culture’s beginnings, this exhibition, the first of its kind, contextualized the form’s place in contemporary art and its lasting impression.