Rebecca DiDomenico
Rebecca DiDomenico
MCA Denver thanks the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District.
Rebecca DiDomenico is interested in the fantastical spaces that exist in nature. With her installation Pellucid, she transformed the gallery into an ethereal cave formed of paper-mâché on the outside and filled inside with shimmering scales and dangling stalactites. With 60,000 hand-sewn mica scales pressed with preserved butterfly wings and colorful pieces of trash, the interior space is a collision of the organic and the synthetic. The luminous scales, rendered in an array of jewel-like colors, created a glittering skin for this immersive environment. Once inside, the delicate details and the laborious creative process that produced them transport the viewer to an otherworldly realm evoking myth and mystery. We might not know where we are, but we have little incentive to leave it. Close inspection reveals the improbable fact that the artist has sewn the scales together — that we are witness to a remarkable union of the handmade, the organic, and the industrial — the art becomes a bridge between the man-made and the natural worlds.
Rebecca DiDomenico was born in Greenbrae, California. Her work has been exhibited at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, the San Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum, and the Denver Art Museum, among others. She lives and works in Boulder, Colorado.