Nathan Carter
Nathan Carter
Nathan Carter: Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet the Dramastics was sponsored in part by members of the Director’s Vision Society and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. MCA Denver also thanks the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District.
For Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet the Dramastics, artist Nathan Carter packed up everything inside his Brooklyn studio, from floor to ceiling, and shipped it to Denver to capture the energy and excitement of his working space. Much of this work, including drawings, sculptures, and installations, revolves around his short animated film The Dramastics are Loud AF, which follows a fictional punk band as they emerge from obscurity, perform a few shows, and quickly become victims of their own success. Beyond the film sets, the exhibition also showcased a stage where visitors were encouraged to create their own performances, using life-sized costumes and props of Carter’s own creation and many drawings and sculptures unrelated to The Dramastics. Together, the collection of materials underscores the freedom and playfulness evident in both Carter’s deliberately unrefined approach to art and the DIY spirit of punk rock.
Nathan Carter was born in 1970 in Dallas, Texas. He received his BFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Art, Boston and his MFA from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. He lives and works in Brooklyn.