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Amanda Wachob

15 de febrero de 2019 — 26 de mayo de 2019

Amanda Wachob

15 de febrero de 2019 — 26 de mayo de 2019
Curated by Adam Lerner, Mark G. Falcone MaFa” Director and Chief Animator

MCA Denver exhibitions are sponsored in part by the Director’s Vision Society. MCA Denver also thanks the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District.

Vanguard tattoo artist Amanda Wachob uses a tattoo machine and ink to create art on canvas, paper, silk, fruit, and leather, in addition to human bodies. In 2008, she pioneered a unique tattoo style inspired by modern painting by incorporating brushstrokes, washes, paint splatters, and spills. This style became known as her watercolor technique.” She uses the tattoo machines and ink to push the boundaries of her field and also to make works for gallery walls. Amanda Wachob: Tattoo This presented a selection of Wachob’s work that not only advances tattooing as an autonomous art form but also brings the medium into closer dialogue with the wider domain of art.

Amanda Wachob was born in Buffalo, New York and studied photography at the State University of New York, at Purchase. She has completed projects with the New Museum of Contemporary Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In 2015, Ad Age recognized her as one of the 50 Most Creative People of the Year.” She lives and works in Brooklyn.